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About Me


I am originally from New Zealand. As a child I was very in tune, I was able to see energy, I had a knowing & understanding for things far beyond our belief system.


After I had children everything changed. It was as though a switch turned on. I began meditating daily, it was then that I connected & realised there was something far greater than I could ever imagine.


For months I began seeing knots and string during meditation. I had also dreamed of this as a teenager, not knowing what it all was. A macrame course came up in my area & without even thinking I booked online. I absolutely loved it. This was my passion!!


After months of weaving and knotting I started to realise that as I created pieces for people I would feel energy & I was receiving wording at the same time. One day I decided to write it all down. I received a page of wording & to be honest I didn't think it would even make sense, I couldn't believe it. It all flowed, making sense, wording which I don't normally use & it came from that higher beautiful energy connected to the person, all beautifully worded and very loving and divine.


I also learnt that each piece was completely different. I was then shown information on lightcodes & from there started understanding that I was channeling these into the pieces. People I was making them for started experiencing life changing shifts!!


From there I was contacted by a like-minded friend on Instagram. She asked me about my distance healings. I laughed, saying I can't do those. She believed I could & told me to give it a go. She said I'd be guided to do so. Practicing this I went into meditation & usually I don't see many visuals but this was different. I watched and conducted a healing, it was incredible and I was shocked at the miraculous results. Since then I have carried out research and now have an understanding how this is happening. What feels like 10mins is actually 1hour and in that time I am in the quantum field utilising this incredible pure high frequency energy, which began connecting with me, as I raised my vibration. I have found this works with me, aligning cells & restoring wholeness to myself and others, raising & strengthening the energy field.




~ What I now offer ~


~ Channeled Medicinal Macrame ~

As I weave, the purest of light frequencies flow through me & is infused within my macrame. Facilitated by the persons highest guidance, it assists me weave & knot the specific patterns for the person while I am receiving information for them. The piece is then infused with the purest of light frequencies that activate healing, cleansing & restoring wholeness. 


Some Benefits Include:


- cleansing the body and mind

- releasing resistance

- improved quality of health and well-being

- maintaining connection to higher self 

- viewing from a higher perspective

- living a life that flows with ease


Each piece is handcrafted using the finest Australian made cotton & locally collected driftwood.


If you would prefer a custom size or colours suitable for your space, please contact me to discuss further options.


I offer free shipping worldwide.




~ Channeled Hand Drawn Lightcodes ~

These hand drawn light codes are specific for each individual. They carry high frequency energy messages, specifically designed for you by your highest guidance.

When tuning in, I receive your specific activation lightcodes. These are like keys, unlocking doors, allowing abundance flow, wellness & alignment.

As you look at your lightcodes they begin to activate within your subconscious mind & transmit relevant, encoded light information to your body/mind/heart system and energy field. They awaken dormant aspects within your DNA & supporting you in your areas that require healing, cleansing, integration and raising of your overall vibration.​




~ Pure Light Frequency Healing via Distance ~

This is performed while you are resting or sleeping.

As I work pure light frequency energy flows through me, allowing me to direct it though the person & conduct a healing. Many have seen improvements in all types of body, mind and spirit conditions, improved clarity & an increased view from a higher perspective, allowing daily life to flow with a greater ease and activating & enhancing personal spiritual and healing gifts.

This consists of a deep cleanse, a replenish & rejuvenation on a cellular level. Revitalising your body and mind, followed by high frequency light filling your entire cellular body & energy field, aligning you to a higher frequency and allowing you to feel uplifted and refreshed.

These distance healings are supported with a channeled & infused mini macrame piece to place above where you sleep and rest or a channeled digital lightcode.

These help maintain your alignment with the purest of light frequencies, offering good health & well being.

I also provided emailed information relating to your healing and after care.


Tashies Chats - With Marcelle Murray (RAW UNEDITED) Medicinal Macrame, Lightcodes and Rose Frequency



© Marcelle Murray